Augmented Reality | News, analysis, features, how-tos, and videos
The absence of tech and other workers is crushing city budgets and services, which could cause a chain reaction leading to the decay and shrinking of urban centers.
It's time to talk about the elephant in the meeting room.
Competition in office spaces for remote workers will result in breathtaking choices and a world of creative options.
It's time to let go of collaboration bias and embrace the power of deep work.
People are ready to go back to the office, but is the office ready for them? Experts weigh in on how they believe a global health crisis will transform how we work.
COVID-19 was a game-changer for videoconferencing. Virtual worlds may be the logical next step.
Until now, smart watches, rings and glasses offered useful features, but were optional -- that's changing fast. Soon our lives and businesses will depend on them.
Google reports a breakthrough in chatbot technology -- it's the perfect idea for replacing its own Google Assistant ... and search. (And read on to judge Meena's joke-telling ability.)